Service Teams
Service teams travel to Nepal several times a year, mostly during the fall and winter. Building relationships is our goal. What we bring or do while there is secondary. Each trip is unique, depending on the team members and will not be a tidy, packaged experience.
Team members determine what they will do while in Nepal based on their individual interests and talents. Some options are: teaching in the schools, training teachers, preparing games and activities for kids in the Children’s Home, serving in the clinic, teaching business principles to business owners, praying for the sick, teaching the villages about health and hygiene, and working on a building project.
These trips are not for the faint of heart. The journey is challenging, and exhaustion is a given. Even still, the hospitality of our hosts and the beauty of Nepal will soon overshadow the discomfort of travel, and you will leave wondering when the next trip is.
For more information on becoming part of the story and taking a trip to Nepal, please email us at: