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It is our joy to tell the stories of lives being changed through acts of redemption, projects to bring future hope, and relationship building


Forty–two kamaiya (slave) families were freed from slavery, as a practical demonstration of God's love for all mankind, when their debts were paid in full to the master who owned them. 

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Our work supports communities of former slaves as they embrace lives of freedom. The goal of each initiative is to foster an environment for generational transformation that leads to sustainable and thriving communities. 


This grass-roots movement is grounded in the relationships built among people of vastly different cultures from across the globe. Relationships are our Bridge to Nepal.

"He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor."
1 Samuel 2:8

Bridge To Nepal is a project of:


True Sojourners

P.O. Box 999

Wheaton IL 60187-0999

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© 2021 Bridge To Nepal

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